Much needed updates & a few Enhancements

I made some pretty major updates to the backend of the site today, mainly patching much of the system stuff that keeps things going. While most of the updates aren't really noticeable, there might be a few slight enhancements or changes. I also updated some things to the backend of the theme and I'm not sure if I got all the bugs worked out of it yet or not...

If you notice anything out of the ordinary or something isn't working right, please make sure to let me know so I can take a look into it further.

One thing I did do, is add a disclaimer for anyone using Internet Explorer 6 or earlier (7 and 8 are not affected) The disclaimer basically let's folks know that they are using a way outdated browser. Not only will I not fully support IE6 or older, the browser itself is very insecure and isn't updated for the newer web standards. If you DO SEE the disclaimer, I recommend that you update your browser when you get the chance. If you aren't running IE6 or older, you shouldn't have to worry about it. As a webdeveloper, I consider myself to be part of the "kill IE6" coalition which is basically trying to move everyone away from IE6 because it is an absolute pain in the butt to code for... (Yes, us web people sometimes have our lazy days...)

For those who are new to the site, take a look at our about page for a bit more information on what we do and who we aim to serve.